MONDAY, December 2nd |
11:00 |
Welcome coffee and registration |
13:30 |
Opening session
Pierre Coheur [ULB]
Cyril Crevoisier [LMD]
Marc Crapeau [EUMETSAT]
Olivier Vandermarcq [CNES] |
14:00 |
IASI/IASI-NG : a major program for science and society |
Carole Deniel [CNES] |
14:15 |
Current and Future EUMETSAT Hyperspectral Infrared Missions: IASI, IASI-NG and IRS |
Dorothee Coppens [EUMETSAT] |
14:30 |
Towards a long-term, consistent record of anthropogenic and volcanic sulphur dioxide (SO2) from IASI |
Bruno Franco [ULB] |
14:45 |
Near real-time assimilation of volcanic sulfur dioxide from IASI and other sensors in the MOCAGE model: various case studies |
Mickael Bacles [CNRM - CNRS] |
15:00 |
NH3 point source emissions and lifetimes derived from 15 years of IASI observations |
Lieven Clarisse [ULB] |
15:15 |
Long-range transport of pollution from intense wildfires in the northern hemisphere observed by IASI in 2008-2023 |
Antoine Ehret [LATMOS - IPSL] |
15:30 |
Questions + Discussions |
15:45 |
Coffee break |
16:15 |
What IASI Can Tell us in the Aftermath of the Hunga Tonga Exceptional Eruption |
Cathy Clerbaux [CNRS] |
16:30 |
Principal Component Analysis of IASI measurements for the detection of extreme atmospheric events |
Pascal Prunet [SPASCIA] |
16:45 |
Questions + Discussions |
16:55 |
Poster introduction on Environmental monitoring
S1- 01- MUSICA Retrieval of Vertical Concentration Profiles of SO2 Using the IASI Satellite Instrument, Nga Ying Lo [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research]
S1- 02- The development of a mechanistic ammonia volatilization model, based on IASI data retrieved from the Metop-A & Metop-B missions, Mauri Rosiers [Université libre de Bruxelles]
S1- 03- Machine learning techniques for spatial interpolation of the IASI Land Surface Temperature, Dew Point Temperature and water deficit index, Fabio Della Rocca [IAC-CNR]
S1- 04- Development of the False Alarm Filtering Method for GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Forest Fire Detection Product, Chae Seoyoung [EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY]
S1-23 - Evaluation of the contribution of IASI and IASI-NG for the characterization of carbon monoxyde over the Globe, Vincent Guidard [CNRM - UMR3589, Météo-France & CNRS] |
17:00 |
Development of a Principal Components-Based Radiative Transfer Model and its Application to IASI CH4 retrievals |
Charles Robert [BIRA-IASB] |
17:15 |
Mineral dust and residual biomass ash aerosols: experimental complex refractive indices retrieval |
Maria Chehab [LOA] |
17:30 |
The FIT-FORUM project: status and perspectives |
Tiziano Maestri [University of Bologna] |
17:45 |
Questions + Discussions |
17:55 |
Poster introduction on Radiative transfer & Spectroscopy
S2- 05- Line lists for the 16 µm, 11 µm, and 8 µm bands of nitrous acid (HONO), Agnes Perrin [LMD, IPSL]
S2- 06- Impact of Spectroscopy on IASI and FORUM Clear-Sky Simulations, Viviana Volonnino [CNRM, Université de Toulouse, Météo-France, CNRS] |
18:00 |
Daily Interaction in auditorium |
18:30 |
Welcome cocktail |
TUESDAY, December 3rd |
9:15 |
Measuring clear-air vertical velocity profiles with IASI |
Basile Poujol [LMD - IPSL] |
9:30 |
On the road to MTG IRS retrieval of CO using interferograms - case of IASI |
Nejla Eco [LATMOS] |
9:45 |
The next generation of EUMETSAT hyperspectral infrared geophysical and principal components products |
Marc Crapeau [EUMETSAT] |
10:00 |
Questions + Discussions |
10:20 |
Poster introduction on retrieval technics
S3- 08- Convolutional Neural Networks for Cloud Classification using IASI observations, Chris Burrows [ECMWF]
S3- 09- Investigating possible contributions of IASI/IASI-NG for bridging the upcoming gap of limb sounding observation capabilities, Matthias Schneider [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology]
S3- 10- Retrieval of atmospheric CH4 profiles from hyperspectral infrared satellite observations: an inversion approach based on Physically Informed Neural Network, Rocco Giosa [Università degli Studi della Basilicata]
S3- 11- Expected impact of IASI-NG on methane retrieval, Rémy Orset [LMD - CNRS] |
10:25 |
Coffee break |
10:55 |
Introduction of the Side meeting objectives and content |
Cyril Crevoisier [LMD] |
11:10 |
Level 2 validation and monitoring activities at EUMETSAT for future IASI-NG mission |
Simon Warnach [HAMTEC Consulting Ltd.] |
11:25 |
Pollution in Paris assessed using the synergy of IASI satellite and the QUALAIR super-site ground-based observations |
Camille Viatte [LATMOS - IPSL] |
11:40 |
Ozone profiles from EUMETSATs current and future hyperspectral sounding missions |
Stefan Staperlberg [EUMETSAT] |
11:55 |
Vaidation of IASI Level 2 products using vertical profiles measured by balloon-borne AirCore air sampler |
Jérôme Pernin [LMD/CNRS] |
12:10 |
Questions + Discussions |
12:25 |
Poster introduction on L2 validation
S4- 13- Evaluation of nitrous oxide retrievals from IASI/Metop A, Yannick Kangah [SPASCIA] |
12:30 |
Lunch break |
14:00 |
IASI-NG Program: General Status Overview |
Francisco Bermudo [CNES] |
14:15 |
IASI-NG Instrument development status and performances |
Antoine Penquer [CNES] |
14:30 |
IASI-NG: Instrument TVAC tests performance results |
Pierre Rieu [CNES] |
14:45 |
IASI NG : Preliminary System Performances |
Quentin Cebe [CNES] |
15:00 |
In orbit validation of IASI-NG: strategy and objectives |
Jérémie Ansart [CNES] |
15:15 |
IASI-NG monitoring tools |
Jose-Luis Villaescusa Nadal [EUMETSAT] |
15:30 |
Questions + Discussions |
15:50 |
Poster introduction on IASI NG
S5- 14- Mechanical & Thermal Architecture of IASI NG instrument, Laurent Doumic [CNES]
S5- 16- IASI-NG: Overview of the processing algorithms, Pierre Rieu[CNES]
S5- 17- IASI-NG operational L1C processing chains: development, validation and products, Julien Nosavan [CNES]
S5- 18- Overview of geometry in IASI-NG processing, Emmanuel Dufour [Magellium] |
16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:30 |
Poster Session |
Side Meeting in specific room : Validation |
Daily Interaction in auditorium |
17:30 |
18:00 |
IASI NG Event |
19:30 |
Adjourn |
WEDNESDAY, December 4th |
9:00 |
Assimilation of IASI retrieved LST in the surface analysis system of ARPEGE NWP global model |
Zied Sassi [CNRM] |
9:15 |
Assimilation of IASI All-sky radiances for Numerical Weather Prediction |
Antoine Chemouny [Météo-France & CNRS] |
9:30 |
Impact of the future IASI-NG hyperspectral infrared sounder in the ARPEGE Numerical Weather Prediction model |
Nadia Fourrie [Météo-France & CNRS] |
9:45 |
Evaluating the impact of the CMIM satellite constellation on NWP using an OSSE framework |
Thomas Carrel-Billiard [Météo France] |
10:00 |
Water vapour isotopologue observations from space and their scientific potential |
Matthias Schneider [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology] |
10:15 |
Questions + Discussions |
10:35 |
Poster introduction on Numerical Weather Prediction
S6- 19- Challenges in the use of hyperspectral infrared radiance observations in coupled global ocean/atmosphere assimilation systems, Chris Burrows [ECMWF] |
10:40 |
Coffee break |
11:10 |
Optical, chemical and µ-physical aerosol properties from laboratory study to IASI measurements: application to volcanic ash and desert dust. |
Perla Alalam [LOA] |
11:25 |
Relationship between Latent and Radiative Heating Fields in the Tropics from synergistic satellite data |
Xiaoting Chen [LMD - CNRS] |
11:40 |
Detection of Polar Stratospheric Clouds with IASI |
Manon Hermans [ULB] |
11:55 |
Simulation of volcanic and fire ashes spectra with σ-IASI/F2N |
Lorenzo Cassini [University 'La Sapienza'] |
12:10 |
Questions + Discussions |
12:20 |
Poster introduction on Clouds & Aerosols
S7- 20- Laboratory measurements of the optical properties of mineral dust aerosols in the MIR and FIR spectral domains to support the exploitation of IASI-NG and FORUM forthcoming missions, Hervé Herbin [Université de Lille, CNRS, UMR 8518, LOA, F-59000 Lille, France]
S7- 21- IASI cloud detection on the Antarctic plateau and comparison with ground-based interferometric measurements, Michele Martinazzo [University of Bologna]
S7- 22- Towards the assimilation of IASI radiances for sand and dust, Etienne Gruet [CNRM - Météo-France and CNRS]
S7- 24- The IASI Mineral Aerosol Profiling from InfraRed spectra version 5.1, Sophie Vandenbussche [Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy]
S7- 25- Can We Detect the Decrease in Global Flight Activity over the North Atlantic during the Spring 2020 Covid-19 Lockdown from IASI Spectra?, Anni Maattanen [CNRS LATMOS/Jussieu] |
12:30 |
Lunch break |
14:00 |
Direct satellite measurements of the radiative forcing of long-lived halogenated gases |
Simon Whitburn [ULB - RMIB] |
14:15 |
Comprehensive Analysis of Antarctic Ozone Hole Dynamics Using Day-Night IASI Infrared Observations |
Guido Masiello [University of Basilicata] |
14:30 |
Carbon monoxide during pollution events in Asia: evolution and trends from 17 years of IASI data |
Selviga Sinnathamby [LATMOS] |
14:45 |
Potential of TIR+SWIR combination from space measurements for CH4 retrievals: application to IASI and S5P |
Nicolas Nesme [SPASCIA] |
15:00 |
Assimilation of IASI NH3 satellite observations with the LETKF methodology in the LOTOS-EUROS model |
Tyler Wizenberg [TNO] |
15:15 |
Study of greenhouse gases emitted by biomass burnings with a decade of infrared observation of CO2, CH4 and CO by IASI |
Victor Bon [LMD] |
15:30 |
Last evolutions of the mid-troposphere column of methane as seen by IASI onboard three successive Metop platforms |
Nicolas Meilhac [LMD/FX-CONSEIL] |
15:45 |
Questions + Discussions |
16:05 |
Poster introduction on Atmospheric Composition
S8- 26- The Daily Variation of NH3 over Agricultural Areas in Asia Using Combined Satellite Measurements, Adriana Iorga [University of Leicester]
S8- 27- Assimilation of IASI & CrIS radiances in the MOCAGE transport chemistry model at Météo-France to improve ozone and carbon monoxide, Olivier Coopmann [CNRM, Météo-France & CNRS]
S8- 28- Detection and retrieval of nitrous acid (HONO) in global fire plumes throughout the IASI time series, Bruno Franco [ULB]
S8- 29- Vertical Information Content in CO2 Retrievals from IASI, Jonas Wilzewski [EUMETSAT]
S8- 31- 17 years of IASI CO retrievals, Maya George [LATMOS]
S8- 32- Airborne measurements of ammonia emissions: A case study over a livestock farm in Grosseto, Italy, Lara Noppen [ULB] |
16:15 |
Coffee break |
16:45 |
Poster Session |
17:30 |
Daily Interaction in auditorium |
18:00 |
Adjourn |
19:00 |
Conference Dinner |
THURSDAY, December 5th |
9:00 |
Establishing essential climate variable data records from 3 successive Metop/IASI |
Cyril Crevoisier [LMD/CNRS] |
9:15 |
Characteristics of Arctic middle level cloud and Its Correlation with Extreme Sea Ice Anomalies |
Jian Liu [National satellite Meteorological Center - China Meteorological Administration] |
9:30 |
Earth's skin temperature: the underrated variable tracer of the global climate |
Sarah Safieddine [LATMOS/IPSL] |
9:45 |
Mineral dust trends from 16 years of consistent 3D IASI MAPIR v5.1 data |
Sophie Vandenbussche [Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy] |
10:00 |
Fast spectral retrieval of Outgoing Longwave Radiation and heating rate from infrared sounders applied to the long time series obtained with IASI A,B and C observations |
Raymond Armante [LMD/IPSL/CNRS] |
10:15 |
Monitoring the sea surface temperature from IASI for climate application |
Virginie Capelle [LMD - Ecole polytechnique] |
10:30 |
Questions + Discussions |
10:50 |
Poster introduction on Trends in climate variables
S9- 34- Evaluation of the infrared spectral signature of ARPEGE-Climat in clear-sky conditions using IASI observations, Quentin Libois [CNRM]
S9- 35- 22 Years of Hyperspectral Infrared Satellite Observations: Creating Climate Data Records and Examining Trends in Top-of-atmosphere Spectral Radiances, Integrated Nadir Longwave Radiance (INLR), and Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), David Tobin [Space Science and Engineering Center]
S9- 36- Tropospheric ozone distributions and trends from IASI and CrIS, Anne Boynard [LATMOS/IPSL; SPASCIA] |
10:55 |
Coffee break |
11:25 |
Overview of the French activities in support of the FORUM space mission |
Quentin Libois [CNRM] |
11:40 |
CAIRT mission and possible synergies with IASI-NG |
Piera Raspollini [IFAC - CNR] |
11:55 |
Analysis of CAIRT tangent point errors |
Luca Sgheri [CNR - IAC] |
12:10 |
Retrieval studies using the Far-IR spectral measurements performed by FIRMOS-B from stratospheric balloon flights |
Marco Ridolfi [CNR - INO] |
12:25 |
Questions + Discussions |
12:35 |
Poster introduction on Explorer Missions
S10- 38- The Complete Data Fusion extended to two-dimensional products, Cecilia Tirelli [IFAC - CNR]
S10- 39- FARM: FAst Retrieval Model for the Simultaneous Inversion of Co-located Spectral Radiance Measurements, Marco Ridolfi [Istituto Nazionale di Ottica]
S10- 40- Development of the MetOp Scene Generator Module (MSGM) for the ESA FORUM End-to-End Simulator, Giuliano Liuzzi [University of Basilicata] |
12:40 |
Poster introduction on Meteorological Programs
S13- 46- AI methods to derive skin temperature from GIIRS, Sarah Safieddine [LATMOS/IPSL/CNRS/Sorbonne Université]
S13- 48- Hybrid PCA representation of Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) data: the CrIS NASA Version 4 L1B and PCA RED Products, Joe Taylor [University of Wisconsin-Madison]
S13- 49- Preparing to assimilate the future IRS infrared sounder into the MOCAGE chemistry transport model for ozone and carbon monoxide, Olivier Coopmann [CNRM, Météo-France & CNRS]
S13- 50- An overview of the MTG-IRS Level-2 Products, Marc Crapeau [EUMETSAT]
S13- 51- Fourier Transform Spectrometers Monitoring: Application to MTG-S IRS, Dorothee Coppens [EUMETSAT]
S13- 52- MTG-IRS L2 offline monitoring toolkit, Harshitha Bhat [CLC Space GmbH] |
12:45 |
Lunch break |
14:15 |
IASI instrument status and performance |
Dimitri Kilymis [CNES] |
14:30 |
The spectral calibration algorithm convergence anomaly on IASI-B and IASI-C: analysis and relation to geophysical events |
Dimitri Kilymis [CNES] |
14:45 |
A multi-year global synergetic IASI-TROPOMI satellite product of tropospheric CH4 |
Kanwal Shahzadi [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)] |
15:00 |
An infrared emissivity atlas based on IASI |
Tim Helge Hultberg [EUMETSAT] |
15:15 |
The IASI/AERIS portal: dissemination of atmospheric data in open access |
15:30 |
Questions + Discussions |
15:50 |
Poster introduction on IASI instruments, products and services
S12- 41- AERIS: data and services for Atmosphere, Sébastien Payan [AERIS]
S12- 42- Production of IASI FDR and CDRs at EUMETSAT, Marie Doutriaux-Boucher [EUMETSAT]
S12- 44- The IASI Flux and Temperature project, Valentine Jacquet [LATMOS/IPSL] |
15:55 |
Coffee break |
16:25 |
Poster session |
17:25 |
Daily Interaction in auditorium |
18:05 |
Adjourn |
FRIDAY, December 6th |
9:15 |
FY-4B/GIIRS performance status and the on-orbit calibration activities |
Lu Lee [National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration] |
9:30 |
Tracking wildfire emissions of CO, NH3, and HCOOH in Southeast Asia from FY-4B/GIIRS |
Zhao-Cheng Zeng [Peking University] |
9:45 |
FY-3F HIRAS on orbit calibration performance and comparison with IASI |
Chengli Qi [National Satellite Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration] |
10:00 |
Spatiotemporal variability of ammonia (NH3) derived from the future IRS geostationary satellite and IASI observations |
Nadir Guendouz [LATMOS] |
10:15 |
Questions + Discussions |
10:35 |
Coffee break |
11:05 |
Closing session in Auditorium |
11:45 |
Adjourn |